The Secret to Better Sleep At Night: Improving Air Quality in Your Bedroom

The Secret to Better Sleep At Night: Improving Air Quality in Your Bedroom

Learn how boosting air quality in your bedroom can help you catch up on your ZZZs.

Yes, we’d all like to work less and sleep more. We’d also like a week in a luxury hotel on an island in the South Pacific. But hey… excellent sleep is more than just a bonus. It’s critical.

When sleep is no longer something we simply yearn for while sipping the third cup of coffee of the day, but rather becomes inaccessible, unattainable, or entirely inconsistent, it can wreak havoc on both your work and your life.

If you’re struggling with insomnia or poor sleep, you’re probably tired of hearing the same suggestions over and over. Tried yoga, meditation, or breathwork? What about cutting down on caffeine consumption and reducing your screen time an hour before bed? But if you find that you’re still tossing and turning at night and waking up groggy in the morning, there might be a surprising culprit behind your lousy sleep quality that you haven’t previously considered – the air in your bedroom.

Having clean air in the bedroom is critical for a good night’s sleep. Read on to learn about how to improve your indoor air quality, especially in your bedroom, for truly refreshing rest.

The dangers of poor sleep (beyond crankiness)

We all know that a healthy balanced diet, moving our bodies, and drinking plenty of water are the keys to wellness.

But getting a good night’s sleep is just as important as eating healthfully and exercising regularly. Too little sleep or frequent poor quality sleep is seriously detrimental to our overall health. The UK’s National Health Service found that people with chronic insomnia and other long-term sleep issues are significantly more likely to suffer from:

  • Obesity
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Shorter life expectancy

On the flip side, the same study indicates that proper sleep can help you maintain a healthy body weight and is directly linked to a stronger immune system and improved heart health.

To get the best sleep possible, you should consider an indoor air quality solution that can boost your bedroom’s ventilation and air quality.

Air quality and sleep – a symbiotic relationship

Researchers from the Technical University of Denmark dove deeply into the way that air quality in the bedroom affects sleep and our cognitive abilities the next day. What they found was that air quality has a major impact on how well we sleep – it’s just as important as room temperature, lighting, and noise!

Analyzing the sleep patterns of university students from 12 different countries, the scientists monitored everything from CO2 levels in their bedrooms to humidity and air temperature. On alternating nights, the students slept with their windows open and closed, and reported on their sleep quality and academic performance the following day.

The study proved that ventilation was the make-or-break factor when it came to long-lasting, high-quality sleep. When clean outdoor air regularly flowed through the students’ bedrooms, whether via their air conditioning systems or an open window, it significantly boosted the air quality in the room. And improving the bedroom air quality led to students feeling better the next day, less sleepy, and more able to concentrate.

The effect of better air quality was reflected in students’ academic performance the next day. Researchers found that a good night’s sleep accounted for nearly 25% of the variance in academic performance, and that students who’d slept in a room with cleaner air had performed better on logical thinking tests.

The importance of a good night’s sleep is clear, and it’s directly linked to air quality.

How to improve your indoor air quality

The first step to bettering your bedroom air is gauging how much improvement you need. There are a number of indoor air quality testing devices you can use to find out your current ventilation and indoor air pollution levels. Consider a smart indoor air quality monitor, which alerts you to the presence of various airborne contaminants.

To improve indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in your bedroom, you can look into purchasing an air purifier. These devices trap and eliminate common airborne pollutants, such as viruses, molds, and bacteria.

A plug-and-play air purifier solution is a great way to ensure that you have the cleanest possible air while you sleep. TADIRAN AIROW easily fits into your existing HVAC unit, instantly transforming your bedroom air conditioner into an active air purifier.

The device utilizes existing water molecules in the air, converting them to hydrogen peroxide which cleanses the air of airborne contaminants. In FDA-cleared lab tests, the system has been proven to eliminate viruses at a rate of up to 99.999% in eliminating viruses, bacteria and mold.

If a bubble bath, ambient noise soundtrack and counting sheep aren’t enough to get you a good night’s sleep, you probably should consider ways to improve your bedroom air quality. It can mean the difference between waking up crabby and starting off the day on the right foot.

If you’d like to learn more about the best solutions for indoor air quality, get in touch with Tadiran. We’d love to guide you in your search.

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