Everyone deserves clean air. It impacts our health, our sleep, and our very well-being. The quality of the air we breathe is essential, and worldwide, people are beginning now recognize and embrace the critical nature of indoor air quality.
Given that the EPA studies show that air pollutants are found at much higher levels indoors than outdoors, it’s clear that internal air quality is a critical issue. Poor indoor air quality environment is also linked to several health issues and so improving it can significantly impact your family’s future.
Now more than ever
In the past years, COVID and other airborne viruses have made even more of us attentive to indoor air quality. Everyone wants to breathe clean air in their homes, and today, that possibility is real, accessible, financially viable, and best of all… easy! Here’s what you need to know to find the right solution for you and your family.
Indoor air quality products, including both portable air purifiers and whole-home air purification systems, help reduce the number of airborne pollutants found indoors. But with such a wide range of products to choose from, selecting the right system might feel overwhelming.
Three important factors when searching for the right indoor air quality system for your home
1. What are you doing at home?
You know you best.
Some of us are adventure seekers and some are homebodies. A relaxing evening for many of us includes snuggling our dog on the couch while surfing Netflix, while some of us are hosting boisterous gatherings full of smoke and other pollutants.
Finding the right indoor air quality filtration product means taking a deep dive into your personal needs, requirements, and preferences. With options ranging from light to heavy-duty filtration, the first step is examining the likely level of indoor pollutants in your home.
The levels of allergens and contaminants in your indoor air depend on who you are and what you do in your home; if you smoke or own pets, you’ll need a stronger system.
In addition, both the geography and topography of your area as well as the physical design of your home will influence the levels of pollutants found indoors. If you live near a brushy area with frequent forest fires, or in an energy-efficient home where natural ventilation is nearly impossible, these factors will worsen the overall internal air quality in your home.
To get an idea of the current air quality in your home, you can purchase a relatively inexpensive indoor air quality monitoring device. These indoor air testing solutions commonly check for levels of various chemical pollutants, humidity, particulate matter, and sometimes carbon monoxide.
2. Are you sleeping well?
Most of us are nodding off during the evening news. But are you getting enough real quality sleep? Is your sleep restorative? For many of us, sleep quality is affected not just by stress and anxiety over the day just completed or the day coming, but more so by the quality of the air, we breathe while we sleep.
Sleep quality affects our everyday lives, impacting everything from our performance at work to our risk of developing certain diseases. According to the UK’s National Health Service, people who reported living with chronic insomnia and long-term poor sleep are more likely to suffer from:
- Obesity
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Depression
- Shorter life expectancy
Alternatively, ensuring that you get sufficient, quality sleep means that you’re at lower risk for heart disease, and diabetes, and will likely experience better overall wellness.
A study from the Technical University of Denmark found that better ventilation was directly linked to sleep quality and in-class performance of college students. The researchers concluded that increasing clean outdoor air pumped into bedrooms via an HVAC system resulted in more positive outcomes for the students. Better sleep, better performance.
Considering that most of us spend nearly one-third of our time in our bedrooms, investing in an air source purifier for your bedroom should be the top priority.
3. How much time do you have to deal with clean air?
Nearly all mechanical and electronic indoor air quality filtration products require regular, hands-on maintenance to remain in proper working order. If you fail to switch or clean your filters, you can expect heating and cooling to take longer, produce more stagnant air, and overall, lower indoor air quality.
Electronic air filters experience a sharp nosedive in efficiency if they are not deep cleaned at least once monthly. Many experts recommend that they are cleaned as often as every two weeks for maximum efficiency.
Mechanical Indoor air quality filtration products trap air particles in filters that can easily become clogged up if not frequently changed. People with allergies and asthma will need to change their filter every 30 – 60 days for optimal results.
Do you have the capacity for this? Do you have mental space or emotional energy to add filter cleaning and maintenance to your schedule?
If the answer is a resounding “Um, no thanks”, TADIRAN AIROW, the true “set it and forget it” indoor air quality product might be right for you. With a patented self-cleaning mechanism, it’s maintenance-free. There’s no need to call a technician for an annual checkup or deal with the hassle of replacing or changing parts. Ever.
The TADIRAN AIROW unit easily fits into most existing A/C systems, making it an ideal HVAC system air purifier. Many air source purifiers are bulky and take up a significant amount of space, but Tadrian’s plug-and-play solution means that it’s out of sight and out of mind.
Taking care of a quality indoor environment with clean air is essential for both our safety and the safety of others. It is a matter of great importance that simply can no longer be ignored.
If you’d like to learn more about the best indoor air quality filtration systems, get in touch! We’d love to help guide you to find the right product to boost your home’s indoor air quality.